While Hulu works on its hate/love relationship with the big studios, it’s attempting to generate revenue from indie circles as well. The online video portal has announced the launch of a dedicated documentary hub within the site, hoping to attract fans, content creators, and distributors.

On a basic level, the new section functions as sort of a corral. Hulu users in search of over 100 documentaries like “Super Size Me ” and “Confessions of a Super Hero” can now access the content in one convenient location.

As a means of promoting its platform’s advantages, Hulu also plans on using its discussion boards and burgeoning social features to directly connect documentary filmmakers, producers, and writers to fans on their content.

Hulu executives told Broadcasting & Cable that the new section should also appeal to aspiring documentarians and distributors who’re looking online to find audiences. For the NBC and Fox-backed Hulu, this could present a revenue stream that runs counter to its prime time content business — most of which is offered fleetingly by its A-list content partners. With the expiration of its content exclusivity deal approaching , it wouldn’t be surprising to see Hulu continue to promote its platform’s strengths to new online video markets.

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For a look at Hulu’s newest hub in action, be sure to check out documentarian Morgan Spurlock’s (of “Super Size Me” fame) exclusive Q&A with the Hulu community.

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