RegretDid you know that 75 percent of all job recruiters today use Facebook to evaluate a potential candidate’s online reputation?

Social networking monitoring service Reppler launched today to help you keep your online reputation clean and free of anything that could potentially make you seem unemployable.

Reppler is a service that continuously monitors your online profiles so you can manage your reputation within your social networks. It will automatically flag any content that might be considered inappropriate, analyze content to give users a better understanding of how others might perceive them, alert users of any publicly-available personal information that should be made private, and notify users of any malicious links they have in their profiles.

The initial version of Reppler is free and supports the monitoring of Facebook profiles.

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Says Vlad Gorelik, founder of Reppler, “With Reppler, we are providing the Facebook generation a complete solution to keep their social reputation clean and safe.”

The online reputation space is led by (formerly ReputationDefender). has raised over $26.7 million in venture funding and has over 90 employees.

Although pioneered this space, there may be room for companies that develop inexpensive online reputation solutions.’s starter subscription begins at $129 per year.

Reppler’s focus is also completely on Facebook and other social networks, although appears to be moving in this direction with their purchase of, a social networking site for business professionals who would like to brand themselves on the Web. also launched an application last year to help users navigate Facebook’s new privacy settings.

Reppler, which is headquartered in Palo Alto, has raised funding from Norwest Venture Partners and angel investor Don Listwin.

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