Now with every one’s minds on games of now it is time to take you to a game of the future.  You are warned that what you may read is biased due to the word favortism.  So I ask that you read and have an open mind.



Many will say that they took pags out of the God of War or Devil May Cry series.  Really not playing either one of those series I am ready to get my hands on this one.  This game seems to have influences from Zelda as well.  So a game that takes influces from some very popular games must be in a sense good as well.

One thing  I enjoy more then playing the games is Concept Art.  The Art team behind this game is what really grabbed my attention.  When a team can take concept art like this and turn it into a video game just make me want to play the game.  It is like they made a game from a comic series with out it ever going to the printing press.  Many of you all don’t know, but I enjoy my comics as much as I enjoy my games.

[video: 300×400]

With gameplay footage like this it just gets me all tingly inside.  Exploring worlds as big as this will have me busy for hours.  How ever riding a flaming horse just seems like it is a must in gaming.  Enemies that you seen on here ranged from small to extremely large.   Also I heard that after you gain new powers you can go back to areas you have been before and continue finding all the hidden areas in the game.

My only negative about this game that really gets under my skin is the exclusive preorder item with gamestop.  I really hate buying games from gamestop and wish Developers/publishers would use places like Amazon, Best Buy or any other outlet for the exclusives.  Yes this is the only down side since the exclusive item called the Harvester. (Picture Below)  

So I may be biased, but this game looks awesome.  It will fill my need to explore hours on end with puzzles & fighting as well.  Even though other games come out before this.  I am glad it got delayed and hope you don’t over look this game when you see it in stores.

* The concept art was taken from the Darksiders Community pages. *