Facebook timeline covers

Facebook’s Timeline lets you place an image at the top of your profile. Sure, you could add a crummy, awkwardly cropped family photo — or you can use a kick-ass cover from your favorite video game.

We’re releasing seven days’ worth of artwork, each with a different theme, that you can use to decorate your Facebook profile:

Today’s batch of covers features 10 popular titles from independent game developers. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge the pictures, then right-click (or ctrl-click for Macs) them and hit “save image as” to save to your computer.

Check out our gaming-themed Twitter headers here.

Timeline cover thumb Limbo

Timeline cover thumb PixelJunk Monsters
PixelJunk Monsters

Timeline cover thumb Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy

Timeline cover thumb Fez

Timeline cover thumb Braid

Timeline cover thumb Cave Story
Cave Story

Timeline cover thumb Minecraft

Timeline cover thumb Bastion

Timeline cover thumb World of Goo
World of Goo

Timeline cover thumb Journey