E3 2012 Ubisoft

We were blown away by the reveal of Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs during its Electronic Entertainment Expo press briefing. The open-world game looks like it could be a massively multiplayer online Grand Theft Auto that focuses on hacking the environment.

One thing that jumped out us during the demonstration was the cube-headed QR-code waiter who offered the protagonist a drink. We’ve scanned the code and discovered that it leads to dotconnexion.com.

Watch Dogs E3 Ubisoft 2012

DotConnexion appears to be the name of an art collection in the Watch Dogs world. The webpage features interviews, press releases, and a link to request more info from this email address: dotconnexion@gmail.com.

“[DotConnexion] is interested in how technology, humans, and connectivity are all related,” an interview with Simon Mitchell (who is likely fictional) on the site reads. “Being a bunch of artists, I think we all have different feelings about what it all means, but we have common ground in the fact that we’re all thinking about it and exploring those ideas through our art.

We’ll have more information on Watch Dogs as it becomes available.