activision logoLately I have been talking about companies that do things I don’t like or do like, but hate something about what they did.  How ever as a gamer I hate other gamers being shafted and want to put my two cents where they don’t belong.  Yes I am not loyal to any company, but Rare for making Blast Corps and if you have not played that game then go do so.


Destructiod published an article on 8-9-09 about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.  If you have yet to go to the link I will do my version of what it means.  ” Activision – UK because we make loads of money we are going to raise your standard price to 54 pounds.  Which is 100 USD for us so get over it or we will raise it higher.”

What I didn’t put on here is a link to the petition so if you sign it please follow the destructiod link as they provided it.  Really that is an outrageous amount of money for a standard edition.

This article shows me two things and even though I enjoy the game developers behind activision.  I don’t like activisions tactics towards gamers as of lately.  As an equal opprotunity gamer I think it is un justly what they are doing to our British Gamers.  Some of you all may not care what happens over seas, but I do.

With this going on it will show activision if people buy this game and it sells great then what is stoping them to do it here in the states?

As a gamer this is just one of a few things that Activision has done lately to make me upset.  The other was the whole court thing surrounding Brutal Legend.  Knowing full well if Activision would have won a lot of ticked off gamers would have had a field day.

In my eyes Brutal Legend has always been a hit and Activision wasn’t to keen on taking a chance like they should have. 
So with this being said I wanted to let the gamers of Bitmob know this.  So speak your mind and discuss your thoughts about how activision is handling things.

I know I don’t like and wish it would stop.