Publisher Bethesda knows that its The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is great, but apparently it feels like its missing that massively multiplayer online aspect. That’s why it’s bringing the world The Elder Scrolls Online in 2013.

After a long time in the oven, developer Zenimax Online Studios is finally revealing gameplay for the PC-only massively multiplayer online role-playing title in a video just posted this morning. The gameplay reveals it to be an Elder Scrolls game crossed with World of Warcraft:

“When the team set out, they wanted to create strategic real-time combat,” said Paul Sage, the creative director at Zenimax Online Studios. “We wanted to create a lot of world immersion. We wanted to create a landscape that rewards exploration, but all of that has to be brought together with great social systems.”

The creators set The Elder Scrolls Online a thousand years before Skyrim and used the myths and history they’ve already established to help craft the world. In addition, it worked hard to maintain the visual styles established in previous games. So the land of Skyrim looks like the Skyrim game, and the land of Morrowind looks like the game of Morrowind but with enhanced visuals.

Source: Polygon