Extra Hearts: Aerith

Every gaming character knows that Extra Hearts is the hottest online dating service that specifically tailors to the needs of digital guys and gals. This week, Final Fantasy VII’s pink-wearing flower girl, Aerith, is on the prowl for some virtual love. Will she find her soul mate, or are her romantic hopes as good as dead? Let’s take a look at her profile and find out.

Extra Hearts: Aerith profile

Likes: I’m a Materia girl, and I’m living in a Materia world :)

Dislikes: People who don’t buy my flowers >:( Jerks! hahaha

Motto: YOLO! lol <3

What I want in my partner: I like mysterious guys who aren’t afraid to show off their feminine side.

Faith: I love to pray! I always feel safest when I’m praying :)

Hobby: Cooking! But I hate all the sharp knives :3


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