Put down those Portuguese-to-English translation books. You don’t even need to learn that language anymore because Brazilian publisher Movile has adapted its first game for U.S. audiences.
Together with developer Ilusis Interactive Graphics, the publisher has released Skyrise Runner for iOS and Android. It is available now for free in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play marketplace.
“Skyrise Runner has an addictive storyline and really striking graphics,” said Movile’s head of U.S. operations, Eduardo Henrique. “It’s an age-old treasure hunt story, but with a modern twist and top mobile technology.”
The gameplay is a lot like the endless runner Robot Unicorn Attack, only several notches more South American. The soundtrack’s sweet Latin percussion will make you shake it. The action title puts players in control of the last member of the Skyrunner tribe, who must save the rain forest from those who wish to destroy it.
Movile has been around for a decade in Latin America, where it developed a strong portfolio of mobile-platform tools. The Brazilian company provides mobile payment and marketing solutions to numerous other developers targeting South American customers.