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GameStop Digital Ventures chief Chris Petrovic (pictured right) said he has resigned from the world’s biggest game retailer today.

Petrovic’s job was to invest in startups and help make acquisitions that could assist GameStop in making the transition from physical retailer to digital gaming company. Petrovic spent three-and-a-half years at GDV, and during the time he was there, the company acquired Kongregate, a digital distribution site for indie games, and also bought remote-gaming technology firm Spawn Labs.

Petrovic said he was resigning to pursue other interests.

“I am extremely proud of what we were able to accomplish since I joined — including growing digital revenues from below $100 million when I joined to over $600 million in 2012 through a combination of new product/business development, acquisitions, and strategic investments,” he said in a note to friends. “I look forward to bring that same level of growth and leadership to my next endeavor.”

He said he will continue to advise early stage companies and co-host the second annual Unlock Conference in San Diego in April. Petrovic frequently appeared on panels about game startups and often said that the pace of change in digital game distribution was measured, and GameStop was able to adapt to those changes with its own digital ventures efforts.