diablo iii

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Blizzard Entertainment took the stage at Sony’s PlayStation event tonight to announce how it will take over the world. What means will the company use to dominate the globe? Well, it starts with Diablo III on the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3 … and I don’t think Blizzard has a clear idea of what it will take to conquer the Earth.

Blizzard senior vice president of story and franchise development Chris Metzen introduced the product, but he didn’t bring along any footage. Metzen said the game is running well on PlayStation 3 and even better on the PlayStation 4.

“We’ve been playing on the PC side of the street, but we held a deep desire to keep back in to the [console] mix,” said Metzen.

He said Blizzard wanted to bring the perfect game to consoles, and that Diablo III is that game.

This move does raise some interesting questions about how something like Diablo III’s real-money auction house will work on the PlayStation Network. Gamers use this to put their gear up for auction and receive real money in exchange for those goods. I contacted Blizzard to clarify if that will make the transition to Sony’s hardware.

Diablo III’s move to consoles isn’t much of a surprise. The action-RPG has been long-rumored for home machines.