The Pokémon franchise is on its sixth generation of games. The original launched in the U.S. in 1998. Now, 15 years later, Nintendo is making some improvements to the franchise’s simple combat visuals.
The publisher released a new Pokémon X and Y gameplay trailer today that shows off an in-game metropolis called Lumiose City. The video also revealed the much more fluid and animated battle sequences between Pokémon creatures.
Pokémon X and Y, which are due out on the Nintendo 3DS in October, introduces Pokémon fighting animations that are much more like the Pokémon Stadium console games.
Check it out in the trailer below:
In previous Pokémon games, the battles featured static images of the pocket monster with very sparse animations for attacks. The X and Y games look like a gigantic generational leap, at least when it comes to the presentation.