Sony’s PlayStation Vita TV plans only include a few Asian countries at the moment. Gamers in the U.S. and Europe who want to use the microconsole to play Vita, PSP, and original PlayStation games on a TV are going to have to wait.

Sony wants to launch the device in Japan, China, and South Korea first, Sony Computer Entertainment president Andrew House explained to website Techon. The North American and European markets do not figure into the company’s current launch plans.

The Japanese consumer-electronics conglomerate is especially interested in getting the device out in Japan, where it launches Nov. 14, because that country doesn’t have a dominant player in the video-streaming market. Sony is hoping the Vita TV can fill that role.

U.S. gamers will likely still get the device eventually. Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida teased an eventual global release on his Twitter:

Earlier this week, Sony introduced the PlayStation Vita TV, which is a $100 microconsole that enables gamers to play PlayStation handheld games on a television with the DualShock 3 controller.

While it is a bummer that U.S. and European gamers have to wait, keep in mind that those markets will be lining up for a PlayStation 4 on Nov. 15. Japan won’t get the chance to do that until February.