Developer Shinji Mikami’s upcoming survival horror game The Evil Within looks pretty similar to some of his earlier games from his time at Capcom.

Publisher Bethesda and Mikami’s studio, Tango Gameworks, released a new trailer for The Evil Within today that reveals the game in action. The video shows detective Sebastian Castellanos investigating a mass murder at a mansion and uncovering the supernatural powers that are behind the killings. Check it out below:

Mikami is probably best known for directing Capcom’s Resident Evil franchise. The developer is using The Evil Within to get back to the horror roots he established with the earlier survival-horror titles. Like The Evil Within, the original Resident Evil features a mansion filled with horrors. It also focuses on scares rather than the action of later titles in the series.

The Evil Within is due out in 2014 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.