GamesBeat is looking for freelance writers to cover video games and the industry that creates them. And yeah, we’re planning on paying you for your work!

We’re offering this opportunity to our community writers first (read more about our program here). If you have written at least one article for our site (whether it only appeared on GB Unfiltered or got promoted to the GamesBeat front page) by the end of September 2013, you are qualified to apply for one of these positions.

What we’re looking for:

  • Smart, ambitious writers.
  • Strong vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation skills.
  • A good attitude toward getting edited and improving your writing.
  • General daytime availability during Pacific hours (you wouldn’t be on the clock, but we need stories written while the sun’s out) — special priority will be given to those who live in the San Francisco Bay Area to help us cover local events.
  • Good communication and people skills.
  • People who aren’t doing this for free games or press perks (though you will have access to them, depending on where you live).
  • Gamers who are not only interested in games but the industry itself, including console, PC, mobile, social, online, and especially the business side.

If you’re interested, send an e-mail to with the following info:

  • Subject head: I want to write for GamesBeat!
  • Or subject head (if you live near San Francisco): I want to write for GamesBeat, and I live in the Bay Area!
  • Resumé or a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • A cover letter (nothing too fancy or formal — we just want to see how you write).
  • Links to your existing GamesBeat posts, the more the better (old Bitmob articles are fine — if you don’t know what a “Bitmob” is, don’t worry about it).
  • Your general availability (put that in Pacific time for us).
  • Where you live.

Again, we’re offering this to GamesBeat community writers first. We’ll take a look at all entries, but please forgive us if we don’t respond to you directly. We’ll update everyone here or with a new post later.

Any questions? Tweet at me at @DanShoeHsu.