United Front Games announced on its official website that its next game, Triad Wars, takes place in the Sleeping Dogs universe. Sleeping Dogs was an open-world action game released in 2012.

“…it’s something we’ve wanted to do for ages,” says United Front Games on the news post, “and we’re very happy to be working with Square Enix again … but that’s all we can give you for the time being – we’ll have more information about what the game’s going to be in 2014.”

We’ve contacted Square Enix for confirmation and will update this story when they respond.

The original Sleeping Dogs had an interesting road to retail. It was originally a new installment in the True Crime series, titled True Crime: Hong Kong, before publisher Activision canceled it. Square Enix stepped in to distribute the game, renaming it Sleeping Dogs. It would go on to sell nearly two million copies, but Square Enix stated that those numbers were below expectations.

Sleeping Dogs was well received by critics and gamers, so we’ll have to see if that goodwill leads to increased sales for the sequel.