The Walt Disney Company has teamed up with mobile developer Nimblebit to give players control of the ultimate power in the universe: The Death Star.

Star Wars: Tiny Death Star is a new game based on Nimblebit’s Tiny Tower, and it puts players in charge of the Empire’s enormous space station. It’s all about building the biggest Death Star. Players must zone for commercial and residential floors that earn credits that can then fund further expansions and battles against the Rebel scum. Tiny Death Star features over 80 different Star Wars-themed levels and 30 species, like Wookiees and Ewoks, that the player can hire to perform tasks.

Wait … did the Death Star have malls and apartments? I was under the impression that Luke Skywalker only destroyed Imperial forces and not a bunch of Wookiees and Ewoks drinking and warbling their favorite Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes tunes in Max Rebo’s Karaoke bar (which is totally a real stage you can get in Tiny Death Star).

Star Wars: Tiny Death Star is only available on the Australian Google Play Store and iTunes App Store. We’ve reached out to Disney to ask when it will debut the title worldwide. We’ll update this post with any new information.

Of course, this kind of gameplay is familiar to anyone that played Nimblebit’s Tiny Tower, which has players managing an urban high-rise filled with shops and apartments. Disney called in the studio to help it with a Star Wars version of the game.

And this isn’t the first time Disney has done something like this.

It’s Disney’s strategy to combine major properties with popular mobile games rather trying to create something new for an existing brand. When it released Pixar’s Brave in 2012, it worked with Imangi Studios to launch Temple Run: Brave on mobile devices. It also has a Mickey Mouse and Perry the Platypus (from Phineas and Ferb) versions of Disney mobile title Where’s My Water?