The human race sure does play a lot of Call of Duty.

Publisher Activision released an infographic today that reveals some of the insane stats the military-shooter franchise has racked up over the years. For example, since developer Infinity Ward released the first Call of Duty for PC in 2003, gamers have respawned back from the dead 1.9 quadrillion times. That is 266,816 times the current population of the Earth.

The fictional governments in Call of Duty also have a bit of a spending problem. Players have shot down more than 813 million of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in multiplayer. For reference, a real-world drone costs $4.3 million. That means the armed forces in Call of Duty have spent $3.4 quadrillion just on UAVs. That’s quite a bit more than the gross world product, which is the combined gross national products of every country on the globe.

Activision’s next game in the franchise, Call of Duty: Ghosts, debuts tomorrow for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U, and PC. The game will also hit PlayStation 4 on Nov. 15 and Xbox One on Nov. 22.

Check out more of Activision’s boasts in the infographic below: