Oh, Knack. I want to love you so much more than you’re letting me.

Amid all the other PlayStation 4 launch titles, Knack has oddly been one that Sony has pushed to the forefront. It’s been a while since the publisher last tried the whimsical, mascot-driven action platformer as a console launch title, something we haven’t seen since Crash Bandicoot was taken out behind the barn.

In fact, Knack fits many of the same tropes as Crash, but the execution in this game is thankfully much, much better on so many levels.

And although it’s several steps short of brilliance, Knack is nonetheless a solid adventure with some surprising care put into a lot of elements that most games take for granted. But as good as this gets, it’s a shame the designers couldn’t dream a little bigger.


Above: Knack and his crew aren’t the deepest characters, but they’re likeable enough to carry the action.

Image Credit: Sony Japan

What you’ll like

Smartly paced combat

Everything in Knack revolves around relics, a mystical energy source that fuels engines, generators, and other contraptions. Wise-talking Knack himself is a living, sentient relic, but his main source of power is collecting smaller relics to bulk up his own body.

Whether Knack is big or small, he’s a powerful fighter, but his game smartly uses his Lego-like abilities to fit a variety of combat situations. Knack generally relies on his brute strength to clobber anything from tiny bugs to goblin brutes to gun-toting humans, but you’ll have to be careful to keep him from crumbling.

Early on, Knack also discovers that he can incorporate crystals, ice shards, wood logs, and even metal scrap into his body, with a quirk to every material that keeps things interesting. Ice Knack melts when exposed to the sun, Wood Knack catches on fire, Metal Knack is vulnerable to magnets, and Stealth Knack (crystal) can bypass security lasers while at risk of dying in a single hit.

Each form has an inventive benefit, and to Sony Japan’s credit, the studio even did a little extra by having Knack tackle lots of levels at vastly different sizes. Each encounter introduces something to keep the gameplay fresh, which is helpful in balancing the linear level design.

Most levels are big, bright, and rich in detail

Although the levels don’t offer too much room for exploration, they all look and feel distinctly different. With no backtracking and little sense of retread, you’re constantly looking forward to the next area and what new sights they’ll bring.

You also get frequent rewards for straying off the beaten path in the rare instances Knack permits it. Lots of collectibles and hidden power-ups are concealed behind not-so-easy-to-spot walls, and it’s impossible to grab everything on your first run through the game.


Above: No matter how big Knack gets, enemies are always challenging enough to keep you on your toes.

Image Credit: Sony Japan

Good replay value

Knack can probably entice you into a second and third playthrough thanks to those hidden collectibles. Some of them are gadgets that you have to put together piece-by-piece, and others are special relics that boost Knack’s power or give him special abilities.

By far, the wisest choice for replay value is the “new game plus” option, which should make multiple runs through Knack less of a hassle. At the very least, younger kids should get a kick out of blitzing through early levels that way.

Even two-dimensional characters are likeable

Going into Knack, I didn’t expect to care about the story, but the narrative actually has some real charm. Just about everyone fits a stereotype—Knack is the mascot with attitude, and the rich guy with the goatee is evil—but the characters are fleshed out enough that they make the Disney-esque story pretty entertaining.

Voice acting isn’t noteworthy, but the delivery is solid, and the actors all do some good work. Granted, the whole story is very cookie-cutter with some major plot holes, but it’s always enjoyable.