Developer Days of Wonder is making its Small World 2 digital board game a little bit bigger. The studio is releasing the title on Android and Steam today for the first time.

Small World 2 is a fantasy board game that has players conquering different regions on a playfield to collect victory coins. Whoever has the most coins at the end of the match wins. Naturally, Small World is best played with other people, and Days of Wonder made a special effort to ensure new players on PC and Android will have an easier time finding games.

Small World 2 features cross-platform multiplayer. That means Android gamers can play with people running the iOS and Steam versions of the title.

“Just like we feel it’s important to offer gamers a chance to play great games in both physical and digital forms, we feel strongly that Small World should be playable on PC’s and Mobile devices, not just one or the other.” Days of Wonder chief executive Eric Hautemont said.

Gamers can head to the Google Play market or Steam today to download Small World 2 today.

Prior to the digital versions, Days of Wonder released Small World as a physical game. Small World 2 is still based on that original game, but it includes all of the expansions and gameplay elements that were missing in the original digital release of Small World.