Clean Wave takes $8.8M for electric car tech

3 things to expect from the burgeoning hardware startup space in 2014

Nintendo president Iwata and Mario creator Miyamoto take pay cut due to sputtering Wii U

Companies dig Facebook-style hardware, server maker Quanta says

Verizon brings wireless coverage to 35 NYC subway stations

Mini games make their inevitable arrival on Google Glass

Apple is testing new Apple TVs with an integrated router and TV tuner

Sixense’s MakeVR will let you design a 3D object with your hands — and then print it out

Umang Gupta: 4 things I learned from a career in tech startups

Feedzai launches fraud detection software in U.S. to help retailers stop data theft

Ensighten takes $40M to remove the clutter from marketers’ toolboxes

Nintendo sold 2.4M Wii U consoles in 9 months, less than Sony and Microsoft sold in six weeks

Four tips on how not to get hacked, from someone who lost a Twitter username worth $50K

More companies want in on Facebook’s open-source data center experiment

GutCheck gets $4M to help you bounce business ideas off potential customers

Funding Daily: Teamwork edition

Google & Lego team up to build a virtual brick-building playground

HomeHero connects you with caregivers for the aging adults in your life

Instacart is growing faster than you can say ‘Begone, grocery stores’

Give kids free rein to read with Epic’s eBook subscription service for ages 12 & under

Cotap grabs $10M to bring business messaging to all employees — even your barista

EA: Battlefield 4’s tech issues aren’t hurting sales; 5 expansion packs to come

Cosmetics startup Julep whizzes by rivals with its crowdsourced approach to making makeup

Paywall showdown: Elder Scrolls Online requires Xbox Gold subscription — but not PS Plus (updated)

Yahoo down second quarter in a row, Mayer cultists be damned

AT&T sees a big $6.9B profit — but still gets trounced by Verizon

Battlefield 4, FIFA 14 help EA capture 35% of Xbox One and PlayStation 4 game sales last quarter

Federated Media sells its content-marketing arm to focus on programmatic ads

EA beats earnings estimates, but revenues fall short with mixed holiday sales

Medium raises $25M, so founder Ev Williams doesn’t have to keep funding it himself

AbleGamers: Final Fantasy XIV was the most-accessible mainstream game of 2013

Can tech innovation curb gun violence? Smart Tech poses 4 million-dollar challenges to find out

PayPal executive Mike Liberatore leaves for mobile payments startup Clinkle

This telepresence robot is missing legs and wheels — on purpose

Nintendo denies claim it is making ‘minigames’ for smartphones

London’s GoCardless nabs $7M to help businesses accept direct debits online

Analysts expecting strong EA earnings from Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14

Bravely Default is an amazing RPG that combines innovation with reverence (review)