Amazon’s streaming video device could land in April

Mozilla and Unity partner to make the browser one of Unity’s many available platforms

Apple officially launches 8GB iPhone 5C internationally amid low sales
Introducing the Inaugural Venture Madness Champion

This Asian crowdfunding site could beat Kickstarter with direct OEM relationships

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a demo trying to sneak its way into your wallet (review)

IGDA launches survey to discover the pulse of game developer community

Ignoring ‘Anonymous Coward’ — a rant on anonymous apps

Africa’s tech scene is overrun by startup competitions — here’s how to do them better

Unity Technologies unveils next version of its game development engine to make thousands of 3D games more realistic

Paris bans half of all cars from its roads — but electric vehicles are exempt

Dropbox acquires stealthy workplace messaging startup Zulip

Google introduces cross-platform multiplayer gaming for iOS and Android

Box lands former White House CTO as its latest health care helper

GamesBeat Giveaway — Ultimate Infamous: Second Son prize package

Funding Daily: March 17, 2014

Xbox One architect Marc Whitten leaves Microsoft

Google cloud keeps getting new features, but new customers are harder to come by

Yahoo-ABC claims desktop traffic wins, but mobile traffic still lags

Netchemia acquires SchoolSpring to grow its lineup of HR software for educators

Divorce service Wevorce adds video calls to its lineup of mediation tools (exclusive)

VoltDB gets $8M to scale databases up and out

How Stephen Wolfram plans to reinvent data science & make wearables useful (interview)

Castlevania director Koji Igarashi exits Konami — the latest high-profile developer to step away from long-time gig

TED takes over Facebook Paper’s ‘Ideas’ section with exclusive content

Vodafone buys Ono for $10B to add landlines and cable to its wireless service

Reddit user anonymously donates $11,000 worth of Dogecoins for World Water Day

New book alleges Steve Jobs dissed TV as an Apple product possibility

U.K. sales-tracking firm: ‘Titanfall gives a colossal boost to Xbox One’

Cloudbuilt captures the dreamlike feeling of flying and falling (preview)

Twitter tries to break into Hispanic TV, launches Spanish-language conversation targeting

Google Docs and Gchat down, productivity plummeting

Boxfish closes $7M to enhance your crappy cable box

The 5 coolest startups jobs of the week

Twitch’s mobile broadcasting coming to Gameloft’s Asphalt 8 racer on iOS

Microsoft makes its Evernote competitor OneNote free, launches it on the Mac

Study: Streaming services like Netflix barely put a dent in cable TV profits last year

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is Magic: The Gathering for noobs — and it’s one of the best free-to-play games around (review)