After bringing the web to 3M people, Facebook launches the Connectivity Lab

We may have just found the worst group of investors in the world

Watch Grateful Dead’s Mickey Hart play drums with Oculus Rift — and see how his brain reacts

Zynga and its players donate $1M to support safe water nonprofit

The No. 1 ‘reason to be’ at the Game Developers Conference 2014: Diversity

Stripe now supports Bitcoin — plus something useful

Investment for the rest of us: Here’s a cool company that crowdfunds big real estate projects

Security startup Vectra Networks steps out of the shadows with a chunky $18M

True Ventures just got an extra $100M for startup investment

Microsoft’s new vision: A fear-free, mobile-first enterprise

GameStop closes its game-streaming division — will focus on PlayStation Now

The G2 Mini is smaller, cheaper, & LG’s bid to take over the world

Amazon may debut its rumored set-top box next week

VC giant Andreessen Horowitz raises $1.5B fourth fund — that’s $4.15B in total

Run out of Internet to read? Random’s new iOS app is for you

Microsoft finally brings Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to the iPad

Klout finally gets its exit — and here’s what Lithium will do with it

Who needs Good Old Games? GameStop’s new business is rare physical games

How London plans to become the ‘health-tech capital of Europe’ (exclusive)

HR may be boring, but it’s lucrative: TriNet prices IPO at $240M

After its #music app failed hard, Twitter gives music a second try

SurveyGizmo down two days straight after its hosting provider ‘called it a night’

Turkey blocks YouTube after cutting off Twitter. Is Facebook next?

GameStop’s stock price drops as strong Xbox One, PlayStation 4 sales don’t help it hit earnings expectations

Motorstorm creator starts Starship game studio in the UK

Spotify could get its IPO as soon as 6 months from now

Runtastic gets a design overhaul to catch up to Runkeeper

Kongregate: Quietly making a lot of noise in mobile and on the Web (interview)

Hubspot, Act-On, Marketo, Pardot, and Eloqua top G2 Crowd’s new marketing automation ratings

Here’s how Pixar animated Monsters University (behind-the-scenes)

Apple patents ‘transparent texting’ so you can text while moving — an old, terrible idea

MediaBrix says in-game mobile-reward ads get over 90 percent engagement rates

Songza now pulls data from The Weather Channel to recommend music

Disneynature Explore app encourages kids to play in the outdoors

Big data visualization firm Map-D nabs $100K in Nvidia Emerging Companies contest

Why your company shouldn’t pass on PaaS to develop new apps

Between Amazon & Google, cloud storage will be free by next year

Apple, Google, and Intel are laying the foundation for the ‘Internet of you’