Apple finally confirms its $3B acquisition of Beats Electronics

Post-hack, Target seeks to digitally reinvent itself

Sen. Franken's anti-stalking bill calls location-tracking tools on the carpet

Desktop usage is cratering. Here's how to get ahead on mobile

Save your marketers from the data apocalypse (Whitepaper)

Uber confirms new funding round, calls it 'record-breaking'

Mustbin encrypts instant messages, raises $1.5 million

More people pirate TV shows than tweet about them

Samsung wants 'SAMI' and 'Simband' to be the start of a new biohealth ecosystem

Salesforce is giving customers the hard sell on its updated mobile app

PlayStation 4 is a movie star: Watch Sony's E3 conference at your local theater

Jack Tretton has his first new gig after launching the PS4 and leaving Sony

Samsung shares some seriously geeky hardware data at its digital health event

The complete history of Mario Kart

Hachette's spat with Amazon affects more than 5,000 books, publisher says

Google data centers get smarter all on their own — no humans required
Web and Mobile Advertising Technology Leader OpenX Appoints Tish Whitcraft as Chief Customer Officer

Angry Birds leads to Star Wars, Star Wars leads to toys, toys leads to 30M scans

How computer science majors came back after the dotcom bust (in 3 charts)
Sharecare and Dr. Oz Launch Free Online Weight Loss Program with Celebrity Trainer David Buer

Message Bus raises $4M to make sure people open your emails

An astounding $38B in mobile revenue — and 164 other data points from Mary Meeker's gigantic Internet report

Pocket launches a premium service with permanent article archiving and better search

NativeX plans to make the ads in free-to-play mobile games work better for everyone

What to Think, Ep. 6: When funding is actually bad for your startup

Apple kicks off education pricing for iPads to woo students, teachers, & schools

Ryse creator Crytek releases CryEngine 'game engine as a service' on Steam (exclusive)

China on track to become the world's largest mobile phone market this year

Why you'd be a fool to pay for revenue sharing-based software

Mobile analytics company App Annie acquires Distimo, raises $17M

Microsoft buys Capptain developer service to improve app notifications

Big data hell: Origami launches analytics platform to save marketers from data complexity

Bethesda brings out buckets of blood with Battlecry, its new online team action combat game (hands-on preview)

Square starts loaning cash to small businesses with 'Square Capital'

6 myths of social sharing (infographic)

Box courts nonprofit customers with Box.org initiative

Thai military briefly cuts off Facebook to silence protests

The former Angry Birds team seeks to strike gold again with Monsu, its new mobile game