You can play high-end Tropico 5 on a low-end Mac or PC thanks to streaming

Share if you get sick: Yelp reviews lead investigators to restaurant health violations

Google's Docker integration is just the beginning, Docker exec says

Campaign promises: How PS4 and Xbox One compare to the original visions

Oculus Rift is the latest weapon in the Defense Department's fight against cyberattacks

Mario Kart 8 hitches a ride with NASCAR

It took Google's Web crawlers 15 years to come to terms with JavaScript

No phone required: Samsung's next smartwatch may make & take calls on its own

Microsoft challenged a National Security Letter – and won

The NSA is recording every single phone call from Afghanistan

Direct deposit: Nearly 1 in 2 PlayStation 4 owners subscribe to PS Plus

SpaceX is about to unveil its 'alien' spacecraft, the Dragon

Like Apple, Samsung & LG may invest in sapphire crystal displays

4 tech companies are paying a $325M fine for their illegal non-compete pact

Google may buy satellite startup Skybox Imaging for $1B

Patent trolls have come after my startup. I'm fighting back

Flocks of airborne camera drones will change journalism — & spying

Intergi's Playwire video-ad network quietly grows past 1.2 billion ad views

Book publisher Hachette demostrates why you don't want to piss off Amazon

Shake your moneymaker: PlayStation 4 is already profitable for Sony

GamesBeat weekly roundup: Google buys Twitch, Oculus Rift's getting interactive porn, and our favorite gaming monsters

Is America too safe for innovation?

No wishing: We expect Nintendo to add these characters to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS at E3

Mastermind Studios: A star mobile gaming team breaks off on its own (exclusive)

Former NSA director: 'I would lose all respect for Russia if they haven't fully exploited Snowden'

The DeanBeat: How far will the advantage swing to Asia in games?
Sharecare's AskMD Wins Appy Award for Best Medical App

Kill the News Feed and use Facebook like its 2005

Asia will account for 82 percent of the $6B global game-market growth this year

eBay's historic cyberattack under fire from U.S. & U.K. investigators

How Yahoo made itself relevant in mobile — and what its future looks like (interview)

Drones-with-software maker Skycatch takes off with a new $13.2M in tow

Mobile startups: Get noticed at the MobileBeat Innovation Showdown

Here are the startups currently occupying Paris' Maison du Bitcoin

These robo-boats are studying the poo-filled Mara River disguised as crocodiles

Your startup does best when your employees can challenge & disagree with you

NASA tasks citizen scientists with waking up its 1978 satellite

Google's next tablet may come with three cameras & depth sensors for 3D capture