You made a game or two, but no one knows about them because that $17 in your marketing budget just isn’t getting you anywhere. That’s OK, because you have social media — and GamesBeat.

In 2012, we asked independent developers to “Pitch us in one Tweet.” Using only 140 characters, they had to get our attention, and if we bit, we’d give their game a full, standalone preview. Check out our 10 picks from that year. (Uh, sorry — we got a little busy and forgot to do this in 2013.)

We’re ready to do this again! Want a chance at cracking 2014’s top 10? Then:

Tweet your pitch, ending with the hashtag #GamesBeatPitch.

** Follow these instructions! **

  1. Don’t @ anyone with your Tweet.
  2. Don’t include any links (including any Tweet extenders to give you more space) or videos to your game. (We’re basing our selections on your Tweet alone, not on the game.) Pictures are fine if you’re willing to sacrifice character count for those.
  3. No more than one Tweet per title! Previous winners are welcome to pitch again, but it’d have to be for a different game.

You must be an independent developer. Now, these days, how that’s defined can be a bit of a gray area. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone, but do us a favor and don’t enter if you can’t in good conscience call yourself “indie.” (Also, even if we select your pitch, we reserve the right to change our minds if we don’t end up liking your game.)

The deadline to enter is this Sunday, Sept. 7. After that, we’ll look through the pitches, select our 10 winners, and contact those developers to get more information on their games. Good luck, and stay tuned on @GamesBeat or @DanShoeHsu for updates.