Casino games continues to grow.

Social game developer Black Tie Ventures announced the launch of its Pink Martini Casino project today. The Quebec City, Canada-based venture targets women, a demographic that the developer says represents 60 percent of the social casino market. Female gamers are becoming more and more common. Other social games, like Candy Crush Saga and Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, also target the demographic. Black Tie Ventures expects its project to generate over $150 million during the next three years, as social casino games have become a $2.7 billion worldwide industry in a short few years thanks to rapid growth on Facebook and mobile.

“This is by far the largest independent gaming project investment in Quebec City,” said David Weiser, the cofounder of Black Tie Ventures, in a press release sent to GamesBeat. “Thanks to the support of a few visionary angel investors who embarked upon this adventure with us, we were able to deliver a prototype that exceeded our expectations on Facebook. We’re now looking forward to our official launch, which will be creatively rewarding for our collaborators and financially rewarding for our investors thanks to the multiple revenue streams that have been seamlessly incorporated into our product.”

Black Tie Ventures will invest $7.5 million in Quebec City’s local economy to help support Pink Martini Casino’s development.

“Social casino games make up 50 percent of the top 20 grossing apps on Facebook and the iOS platforms,” Weiser said in the press release. “The industry is set to generate $2.7 billion in revenues this year and is estimated to grow to $4.2 billion by 2016. Our prototype has already demonstrated the ability to track at par with industry metrics. We are convinced that our unique approach to in-game progression and rewards will offer our players one of the top social casino experiences out there.”

Black Tie Ventures has completed two rounds of financing, which helped to create a prototype for Pink Martini Casino. It plans to launch the game during the first quarter of 2015.