Google CEO Larry Page appoints Sundar Pichai to lead nearly every product at the company

With eight players, Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U is a riot (preview)

Apple Pay has landed, but its effects on mobile marketing are still up in the air

Ebola panic is a symptom of a broken health care system. Here's how techies can help fix it

More proof AT&T is clueless/evil: Carrier busts 'Apple SIM' feature

Apple's iPad Air 2 is svelte and powerful, but no radical leap from the first Air

GamesBeat weekly roundup: Smash Bros. news, League of Legends dominates, and Civilization: Beyond Earth review

Tech for family caregivers: 3 ways entrepreneurs can help

The Lumia rebranding was inevitable, and Microsoft's choice makes complete sense

Microsoft now lets enterprises track site usage in Internet Explorer 11

Turning mobile ads into games helps them perform better

Google's Nest acquires smart home hub Revolv, will not accept new customers

Smart basketballs and other gadgets from the wise man of tech (interview)
ChamberofCommerce.com Deploys Launchpad to 100,000 Merchants

Four more DLC Super Smash Bros. characters we should get

King's next mission: How to come up with hits bigger than Candy Crush Saga (interview)

Car2Go takes Brooklyn with 400 on-demand Smart cars — we go for a spin

VB Event
4 UCSF Center for Digital Health Innovation startups that are changing care coordination

What Marc Andreessen and Ron Conway teach Stanford students about raising money (in 4 quotes)

Review sites like Yelp can now legally manipulate reviews for cash. But should they?

Funding Daily: Today’s tech funding stories, in one place

MLG.tv Arena opens in Columbus just in time for Call of Duty tournament

8 design-savvy app concepts that could pave the way for exciting new health tech

4 app monetization strategies for free apps

The DeanBeat: Be sure to make some time for the best games of the fall

Mogl nabs $11M because getting cash back after a tasty restaurant meal won't ever go out of style

Deezer acquires Stitcher to get serious about talk radio and podcasts

Nintendo actually wanted a sexier Link costume in Bayonetta 2

Can Amazon and Microsoft be beat in IaaS?

The top 10 games of Pitch Us in One Tweet 2014 (#6: Illuminascii)

App developer claims Apple sent his company porn to prove its app could be used to find naughty pics

Google's Street View now available for Luxembourg

Which product launch was a bigger disaster: Microsoft's Surface or Amazon's Fire Phone?

English-learning site 51Talk pockets new funding to expand in Asia

LG makes its first smartphone chip, the Nuclun

Twitter to open learning center for low-income and homeless in San Francisco next summer

How Steve Jurvetson is investing in world- (and Mars-) changing ideas (podcast)

VB Insight
Why Twitter launched Fabric, in 5 devastating charts

VB Event