Several blockbuster games have suffered from numerous online issues this fall, but not Nintendo’s flagship launch.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is out today (read our glowing review), and fans have finally had the chance to try out online. While Nintendo has a reputation for “not getting” the Internet, it turns out that most people are having a very good experience with Smash with many lauding the console fighter for its “smoothness.”

Even people who are playing Smash over Wi-Fi are finding that the game is working very well. I got on to try it out today — now that it is live — and only ran into one match with some lag. But when I tried to re-create that experience while recording video, I ran into zero problems.

In 10 4-player “For Fun” matches, I only had one laggy experience.

Check out a video of a smooth four-player match below:

In the 1-on-1 “For Glory” matches, I never experienced even a single hitch or snag. Considering this is the mode that most competitive players prefer, that’s good news for the Smash fighting-game scene.

Watch me get my butt kicked:

Smash Bros. for Wii U’s online launch is even more impressive when you consider some other recent aunches. In October, Sony Computer Entertainment released the racer Driveclub for PlayStation 4, and the company had to turn off several of its features to get it functioning online. Driveclub is still broken. Likewise, Microsoft has struggled to provide a working online experience for Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Xbox One. Players are having numerous issues with matchmaking in the shooter. Even when fans do get into a match, they’re often not fully populated. Microsoft has released multiple patches to fix Halo, but players are still running into problems.