Skillpocket lets you book a meeting with Google engineer for some quick advice

League of Legends experiences instability following map update

BitTorrent’s encrypted chat app Bleep gets offline messaging that only sends … when both parties are online

The promise of Bitcoin

Twitch hosts live premiere of ‘Gamer Age’ documentary today

Did the Uber protest hurt business? Ratings tanked, but downloads of Uber and Lyft are up

Funding Daily: Today’s tech funding news, in one place

Fans cheer ‘smooth’ Smash Bros. Wii U online experience while Microsoft and Sony games struggle
Archway Technology Partners Acquires WealthTouch

GamesBeat weekly roundup: Warcraft rises, Call of Duty sells big, and exploring the Polish game industry

Spotify’s integration with Uber is smart and seamless, if your driver turns the feature on

Sunset Overdrive is free this Saturday for Xbox Live Gold members

Apple and AdRoll enable iOS ad retargeting — with extra data from iTunes and the App Store

World of Warcraft’s new Warlords of Draenor is all about big, bad you (review)

That Kate Upton TV ad for Game of War targets manly man shows for men

These 5 smartwatch uses will make you stop loving your smartphone

Mozilla’s 2013 annual report: Revenue up just 1% to $314M, and again 90% came from Google

The DeanBeat: Finnish game companies want to dominate, but they don’t want to be rock stars or emperors

Mobileys innovation challenge announces winners

The future of homework is … video games

Indoor Atlas uses magnetic variation to map the great indoors

Gaming’s golden age, as seen by one of its veteran lawyers (interview)

Vimeo teams up with Chilling Effects to publicly track copyright complaints

Beddit gathers momentum for its non-wearable sleep monitor

This tiny version of DayZ plays in your browser, and it’s pretty darn cute

A Polish perspective on Hatred, the controversial game about mass murder

‘Minority Report’ vision tech — coming to a smartphone or store near you

Photoshop for Chrome OS starts to take shape

Assembly helps developers find collaborators and launch their product, picks up $2.9M

Livefyre updates its social content platform with app-creating Studio

Aereo dream finally dies as company files for bankruptcy

50+ demographic represents a $30 billion market opportunity

FailCon comes to France to teach entrepreneurs how to, well, you know

Silicon Alley blues: Fab may be latest high-profile NYC startup to sink

The secret to creating a huge company, according to Peter Thiel

Uber’s legacy hangs in the balance: Digital robber baron or respectable innovator?

Amazon will launch a hotel booking service next year, report says

16 Bitcoin startups investor Tim Draper has personally funded