Google Contributor may be an elaborate experiment to prove people prefer ads to paid content

Self Care Catalysts raises $2M round for patient intelligence and self care platform

Twitter launches WordPress plugin to get publishers to embed more Vines in stories

The Russian webcam attacks are just the tip of iceberg for potential home network attacks

Google Fiber promises Austin’s public housing residents free 5Mbps Internet for 10 years

Cambrian Genomics CEO says his company just raised $10M to ‘print more DNA’

Market slams GameStop after retailer misses Q3 earnings expectations

GamesBeat Challenge: The mystery is solved

Google Contributor is a subscription service that lets you pay money to remove ads from certain sites

The Windows 10 store will let businesses buy apps in bulk and offer private sections for their own apps

Twitter now lets you share tweets privately via direct messages

Valve expands its rules for Early Access games on Steam

What to Think, Ep. 30: How Google works

Kabam brings Korean mobile hit Creature Academy to the U.S. today

Surgeon develops an image of how texting warps your spine. We have a quick solution

Amazon launches Zocalo apps for Android and iOS, adds support for up to 5TB files

Google’s Project Loon can now launch up to 20 balloons per day, and they fly 10 times longer than in 2013

Two Tap launches API to make sure the product you want is in stock

CosmEthics helps you avoid toxic chemicals in beauty products
Stratos: 30% of US Smartphone Owners to Use Apple Pay and Google Wallet during the Holidays

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare generates more revenue than any other media launch in 2014, claims Activision

Microsoft updates Bing homepage with HD backgrounds, image captions, and new Office Online menu

Pluto TV takes $13M for its free linear TV streaming service

Persona Q is an entertaining caricature of the beloved role-playing series (review)

Funding Daily: Today’s tech funding news, in one place

Read+Watch+Listen: Bonus Material for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare fans

Adobe partners with Moleskine to launch a notebook designed for Creative Cloud

Gamesbeat Challenge Day 3: Your last chance to solve the mystery and win $5,000

Xbox One passes 1 million sales in U.K. as it catches up to the PlayStation 4

Don’t call it a comeback: How Blizzard reinvented itself for a post-Titan world

Office Mobile for Android updated with Dropbox integration and OneDrive sharing links

NewsCred evolves into an ultimate resource for content marketers

Get Even keeps you guessing who’s human and who’s A.I. in its ultrarealistic scanned environments

Videoblocks opens new stock video marketplace, promises videomakers 100% cut

Amid Uber controversy, taxi-hailing app Flywheel raises $12M, adds new management

G2 Crowd crowns Hubspot as top marketing automation suite for customer satisfaction

This homemade Elite: Dangerous gaming rig looks like the inside of a spaceship (video)

Game of Xbones: HBO Go out today for Xbox One