People have something new to complain about when it comes to Destiny.
The online shooter’s first expansion, The Dark Below, launched today. It adds new content, notably a new Strike and Raid. However, those who don’t buy the expansion are losing old features.
Specifically, the current Weekly Strike and Weekly Nightfall Mission use the new content from The Dark Below, leaving players without the expansion no chance to earn the usual rewards they could get from these weekly challenges (including the coveted Strange Coins, which they can only spend over the weekend). Also, while an original Strike playlist used to reward players with an Engram bonus (which can turn into new gear), you can now only receive that bonus by playing a new, Dark Below-exclusive playlist.
It’s possible the weekly lockout isn’t permanent. Presumably, anyone could access it as long as it uses one of the original Strikes. Still, those without the expansion will have to sit a week out whenever it decides to use the new content, a decent incentive to get players to purchase the new expansion. We have contacted Bungie to ask if players without the expansion would continue to get locked out of the Weekly Strikes.
The Dark Below costs $20 alone or $35 for a season pass that includes it and the next expansion, House of Wolves.