Original Apple-1 computer sells for $365,000 at auction

The Internet of Things: 4 considerations for every business

Google wants to advance the Internet of things, offers grants for ‘open innovation’ research proposals

Uber reportedly set to raise up to $600M from Baidu as it looks to make greater inroads into China

Google Maps gets lane guidance in Europe, tells you the best lane to be in for your next exit

Qualcomm to invest $40M in four Chinese companies

App Annie CEO Bertrand Schmitt talks mobile analytics

Business-reporting company Workiva raises almost $101M in IPO, setting price at $14

ActivityHero acquires Zoetic to expand its activity planning service

App-analytics company New Relic picks up $115M in its IPO, setting price at $23

Advice from Startupland: Treat your VC like your spouse

Stanford’s startup community might be king — but UC Berkeley wants to catch up

Zuckerberg reiterates: You have to use your real name on Facebook

Nintendo sells 1.5M copies of new Pokémon games in first 10 days in U.S.

Big data company Hortonworks raises $100M in IPO, sets price at $16

U.S. console and game sales weaken in November

Adtech 2015: 5 predictions (plus 4 things that won’t happen)

Zuckerberg admits Facebook deserves criticism for how it handles its privacy messaging

Zuckerberg says Facebook is ‘thinking’ about the demand for a dislike button

Today’s Final Fantasy XIII-2 at 25% off + more December release deals

CenturyLink acquires predictive analytics company Cognilytics

Lending Club closes at $23.43 per share on the NYSE, up 56% from its IPO price

Adobe acquires stock photo giant Fotolia for $800 million in cash

Adobe sees strong Q4 with $1.07B in revenue, 644K new paying Creative Cloud subscribers

Peter Thiel’s scuffle with Ferguson protesters is not an isolated incident of antitech spillover

Forget Target: Apple is still the biggest company censoring games

Google chips in $2M to help San Francisco’s homeless

Candy Crush Saga finally hits Windows Phone

Canada’s Competition Bureau is investigating Apple’s domestic wireless carrier deals

Ledger launches offline Bitcoin storage on a USB stick

Kabam launches Marvel: Contest of Champions after making millions with The Hobbit

Microsoft to hold Windows 10 ‘consumer experience’ event in Redmond on January 21

Sony’s PlayStation 4 game console arrives in China on Jan. 11 (updated with analysis)

Facebook launches 7 call-to-action buttons for Pages

French tech minister thinks her country can take on Silicon Valley — but without the horrible inequality

Street Fighter V makes its bid for the fighting-game community

Ubisoft supports PlayStation 4’s debut in China with two launch games

Funding Daily: Today’s tech funding news, in one place