Twitter’s Crashlytics makes its app install measurement tool Answers free

Funding Daily: Today’s tech funding news, in one place

Pocket Gems launches Night at the Museum: Hidden Treasures mobile game

Poshmark’s new Concierge service makes sure the fancy purse you bought is not a knockoff

Pixelberry embeds SAT vocabulary lessons in its High School Story mobile game

Uber raises an additional $1.2B at $40B valuation to fund Asia expansion

IBM: Hackers can use security hole in social logins to impersonate users on sites like Nasdaq and Slashdot

How Paradox Interactive empowers its leaders to find their voices

Thwarting the hackers: How game publishers are avoiding security meltdowns

Docker debuts on-premises software for storing companies’ apps in containers

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is must-own multiplayer … months from now (review)

Microsoft’s presentation app Sway gets Bing Image Search to help find content and offer suggestions

LinkedIn, InsideView, DiscoverOrg, and Capital IQ head up G2 Crowd’s new sales intelligence product ratings

Sega’s Creative Assembly launches Wrath of Sparta expansion for Total War: Rome II

Encrypted messaging service Wickr, formerly mobile-only, now available on desktops

Amazon launches Amazon Elements, an ‘ethical’ own-brand product line for Prime members only

Pokémon going strong: Nintendo ships 7.7 million Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire copies worldwide

Cartonomy tosses $1M into its group shopping cart

Microsoft sells its Nook Media stake back to Barnes & Noble for over $100M

Line launches mobile payments service as it continues to push beyond mobile messaging

Restaurant delivery startup Caviar launches on mobile to replace your Seamless addiction

RuneScape players raise $160,000 for charity by dropping coins in a virtual wishing well
EDI Seeking Series B Expansion Round, $3MM Already Closed
Nimble Named #1 Sales Intelligence High Performer and #2 in Customer Satisfaction by G2 Crowd

Animoca Brands launches two mobile games based on Japanese cartoon Astro Boy

2K launches brand new console game studio Hangar 13

ThreatStream nabs $22M to keep scouring the Net for threat intelligence

New App Annie product offers detailed demographics of over a billion app users

Angry Birds maker Rovio reduces layoffs to 110 and will close a studio

World of Tanks Blitz launches on Android with cross-platform iOS gameplay

Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle tax credit expires this month: Will it be renewed?

PewDiePie creates a generational divide between 4th graders and toddlers in ‘South Park’

How to tell if an early stage company will succeed — in 1 meeting

Google is now officially beating Apple in the TV streaming market

Uber hires team of designers and developers to start a mobile dev shop in Amsterdam office (updated)

Attorneys: Apple deleted songs from users’ iPods

A short quiz to tell if you’re pro- or anti-tech

The cheat sheet to choosing a cloud backup service
