Apps are the glue that will tie Microsoft’s various platforms together.

Microsoft revealed that Windows 10 will have universal apps that will work on its Xbox One console, which analysts estimate has sold about 11 million systems. The company announced the functionality at its Windows 10 event today in Redmond, Wash. This means that developers can build software once and deploy it across the PC and console — along with tablet and smartphone — simultaneously.

“With Windows 10, universal Windows apps come to Xbox One,” Microsoft executive vice president of operating systems Terry Myerson said.

Microsoft previously said it would enable developers to build universal apps, but it didn’t specify whether that was a core function of Windows 10. Now, with this feature built into the company’s next major OS upgrade, it is something that many developers are likely to take advantage of.

Xbox One currently has dozens of apps including Twitch, Skype, and more. Universal Windows apps should see that number skyrocket.