Well met, Blizzard fans. It’s nearly time to once again plan on making the pilgrimage to Southern California for BlizzCon.

Publisher Blizzard just revealed the details for its next gathering, which takes place in the Anaheim Convention Center in Southern California on Nov. 6 and Nov. 7. Tickets go on sale April 15, and you can get yours for $200 through ticketing service Eventbrite. As usual, Blizzard will host a number of panels, e-sports tournaments, and hands-on time with its latest creations.

Blizzard will announce more about its virtual tickets, including pricing and the video-streaming schedule, in the next few weeks.

In addition to BlizzCon, the publisher is also planning to again host a pre-event dinner to benefit the Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Guests get the chance to wine, dine, and mingle with the developers, artists, and other Blizzard team members responsible for the company’s games. The company will announce details about the tickets for this event in the near future.

And since this is the future, you don’t actually need to leave your house to attend BlizzCon. By purchasing a “virtual ticket,” you can watch live video directly from the various panels and other events.