Reaction to Silent Hills’ cancellation is just as scary as the games are.

Fans of the Silent Hill horror franchise are always a passionate bunch, but they’ve been especially fired up over the latest game, Silent Hills, a collaboration between famed game designer Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear series) and horror filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro. But the passion for this project shifted to worry as news of Kojima’s split with Konami spread in recent weeks, and the removal of the playable teaser for the game from the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live didn’t help.

Fan worry shifted to full-on anger with the official cancellation of the game this week. Konami said it would continue on with the Silent Hill series, but “the embryonic Silent Hills project developed with Guillermo del Toro and featuring the likeness of Norman Reedus will not be continued.”

Now Konami’s social channels are on fire. While the company tries to continue business as usual on channels such as Twitter and Facebook, nearly every message sees angry responses relating to Silent Hills. Here’s a particularly harsh example from this morning, from Konami’s Twitter feed.

This fan also noticed the trend.

Silent Hill followers are just as upset about the pulling of P.T. from digital channels as they are the game’s cancelation. It could have stood on its own as a playable experience, even without the game ever coming to light, many said.

But most of the anger remains directed at the cancellation of Silent Hills. Messages like the following hit Konami’s channel every few minutes, nonstop.

Kojima has a large, dedicated following. Having the creator of the famed Metal Gear series head up the Silent Hill franchise was a dream come true for series devotees. Now fans are just as mad about rumors of his departure from Konami as they are about the cancellation of his game. While Kojima continues work on Metal Gear Solid V at Konami, his future is unsure.

It just might as well be all over for the company in many fans’ eyes.

Many Silent Hill fans have taken to imagery to get their feelings across.

Not all of the images are harsh or negative. This one is kind of nice. It plays on the company’s famous “Konami code” to give the company a few extra chances.

And this one really hits home.

Going forward, Konami has Metal Gear Solid V to promote and release. But fans are so mad about Silent Hills that they say they’re going to pass on Metal Gear.

While Metal Gear Solid V was to be a major focus for the company at this year’s E3 Expo, fans envision the upcoming event a bit differently for Konami.

Finally, I’m with this guy: