Until Dawn, the story-based horror title with lifelike graphics from Supermassive Games, debuts Aug. 25 on the PlayStation 4.

I’m usually not a fan of horror games, but this one seems more like a movie, with frightening anticipation of noises and bad things moving around in the dark. Eight friends stay overnight at a big dark home, and that’s a big mistake. The overall effect is spellbinding.

Until Dawn should make for a good summer release, as the schedule during the middle of the year seems characteristically light in terms of console releases.

Supermassive also said that the cast of voice actors includes Peter Stormare, who is best known for his roles in the films Fargo, The Big Lebowski, and the television series Prison Break.

“He gave some incredibly powerful performances in the motion capture studio and you can tell from the end result in the game that he had some fun with the character. We couldn’t be happier to have him in the games and I can’t wait for you to see him in full flow,” said Pete Samuels, the executive producer at Supermassive, in a post on the PlayStation Blog.

The game uses motion capture, facial animation, and voices to deliver an almost-perfect rendering of the actors with their own animated likenesses. This was originally conceived for PlayStation 3 as a PlayStation Move gesture-controlled game. But you’ll be able to use the PS4’s DualShock 4 tilt control to make choices.

Here’s a new trailer below.