Everyone loves E3 awards. Heck, even we can’t resist the urge to pick our favorite games from the trade show.

But we also like to highlight other, more standout things from the conference. That’s why we have the non-awards, which lets us celebrate (and mock) everything from the lines of the show to shameful wastes of paper.

You’ll find all of our non-awards from this year’s E3 below.

Best job perk of the show

The happiest press conference surprise

The biggest waste of paper

It's a bit too heavy to carry around E3.

Above: It’s a bit too heavy to carry around E3.

Image Credit: Giancarlo Valdes/GamesBeat

The developer who took his game too seriously

Best line of E3

Best consensual groping on the show floor

That guy in the back wants to touch you.

Above: That guy in the back wants to touch you.

Image Credit: GamesBeat

Oops, it did it again — the cursed Uncharted 4 stage demo

The best dumb reasons to get excited about Super Mario Maker

Worst Star Fox game I think I’m still going to buy

Star Fox Zero doesn't seem to have a whole lot going for it outside of its motion controls.

Above: Star Fox Zero doesn’t seem to have a whole lot going for it outside of its motion controls.

Image Credit: Nintendo

Best VR introduction I could have hoped for

Best Mega Man game that isn’t a Mega Man game

The Last Guardian looks so last generation