Google will soon accept requests to remove revenge porn from search results

Nintendo’s E3 nostalgia is missing one big series: Advance Wars

Twitter tests dedicated pages and curated collections for products and places

Code Climate open-sources its code-testing tools, launches a command-line interface

Activision chief on Call of Duty’s PlayStation 4 deal, Guitar Hero’s revival, and Skylanders’ vehicles

Microsoft plows $40M into a new science and technology institute in Seattle

The best Unreal Engine games of E3, selected by GamesBeat

Funding Daily: Today’s tech funding news, in one place

Amid censorship brouhaha, Reddit clone Voat has its servers closed by hosting provider

Evolve gets a second season pass next week

HP Ventures backs data-integration startup Tamr in $25.2M round

UberVINTAGE in France will let dads book rides in classic cars for Father’s Day

Google Street View heads inside Mount Etna, one of the most active volcanoes in the world

Adobe gives thanks to Neolane for making the Marketing Cloud what it is today

Batman Arkham Knight 46% off as Premium Edition confirmed to include all DLCs

U.S. cyber hack unsettles, frustrates U.S. defense industry

Why GovTech is broken

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst feels better than the original in every way

Here comes the industrial Internet — and enormous amounts of data

A day in the life of Kanye West’s budding game career

Mega Man creator Inafune explains the backstory of surprise Microsoft exclusive ReCore

Amazon patents Google Glass clone that may give warehouse workers cyborg vision

52K people attended E3 2015, up 3K over 2014 — next year’s show dates revealed

Sony’s virtual reality chief aims to create magical Morpheus experiences

Interest in E3 2015 shot up more than 60% compared to last year

Google wants to pair your keys with your phone so you never leave home without them

What Twitter is trying (but failing) to tell Wall Street, according to investor Chris Sacca

World of Final Fantasy dumps realism for cute and opens the door for newer, younger players

VB Event
First speakers announced for MobileBeat (July 13-14)

I was eaten alive in The Walking Dead — and it made for an incredible VR experience

The Pirate Bay is not down: Just don’t type in www

Heroes of the Storm refuses to budge on no-forfeit stance

How HoloLens and backward compatibility fit into Xbox’s grand strategy

Here’s why World of Final Fantasy’s characters look so familiar

See? Told you to wait for the second Apple Watch! (The camera will change everything)

Uncharted 4’s creative director dishes on the multiple meanings of ‘A Thief’s End’

Web hosting software company BetterLinux is shutting down on July 1

Derek Jeter invests in cyberbullying app StopIt