With Windows as a Service, Microsoft changes how it reports revenue for Windows 10

Samsung will patch its software to stop disabling Windows Update ‘within a few days’

The Apple Watch launches in seven new countries today, likely in 19 total by late July

Wildflower Health takes $5M to expand employer-based maternity management app

Google will end support for Android Developer Tools in Eclipse at the end of 2015

GamesBeat’s E3 non-awards: Best line of E3

Your iPhone 6+ and other ‘phablets’ won’t fit in Fallout 4’s wearable Pip-Boy

Facial recognition tech will exist on 123M devices by end of 2024, report says

Facebook for Android still lets you send messages without installing the Messenger app

Supreme court legalizes gay marriage: The tech industry reacts

Without mobile messaging, apps lose 70 percent of users within a month of initial download

Google Payments will handle all your financial information, including Android Pay and Google Wallet apps

BlackBerry launches private chats in BBM, letting you hide identities in conversations

GamesBeat weekly roundup: E3, Arkham Knight PC problems, and Upton’s expensive

Meteor buys Percolate Studio and starts to sell commercial support subscriptions

Fiksu: Mobile marketing costs and game downloads dropped in May

The DeanBeat: E3 signaled a bright future for gaming

Funding Daily: Today’s tech funding news, in one place
HouseCanary Releases Study on How Shifting Demographics Are Redefining Residential Real Estate

When is the best time to tweet? Buffer trawls 5M messages to find out

VB Event
New speakers added to MobileBeat 2015, from FedEx, OpenTable, and more

Delivering stellar customer support: Why distributed teams are a win-win for companies and customers

Scio prepares to ship a mini spectrometer that tells you the chemical makeup of physical objects

10 years of WordPress.com: 2.5B blog posts in 137 languages and 3B comments

Cannes POV: It’s time to talk about that dumb mobile ad

Splatoon’s Splatfest event kicks off July 4 in North America

Dutch court: Facebook must turn over user data in sex video case

Facebook vs. Europe – privacy, ethics, and tech innovation

This could be the year that Docker hits the big time

Rare Replay celebrates the historic studio’s past — and future

Eve: Valkyrie is the Star Wars VR game I’ve always wanted

GamesBeat’s E3 non-awards: Best consensual groping on the show floor

GamesBeat’s E3 non-awards: Oops, it did it again — the cursed Uncharted 4 stage demo

Microsoft releases new Windows 10 Mobile preview with flashlight quick action, animated GIF support in Photos app

StartUp Health is raising $30M in new funding, Aurora Health throws in the first $5M

GamesBeat’s E3 non-awards: The Best dumb reasons to get excited about Super Mario Maker

Kindle is launching new share buttons on Android for WhatsApp and Messenger

GamesBeat’s E3 non-awards: Worst Star Fox game I think I’m still going to buy