Update for Sunday, July 26: Xbox Live is down again for many.

Microsoft’s online infrastructure is not working properly for everyone today.

Xbox Live is having connectivity problems for many people on Xbox One and Xbox 360, according to a number of complaints from people on social media and confirmed by Microsoft. This is preventing people from accessing the servers for games like Destiny, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and more. Many people are also having troubles starting multiplayer parties and using other network features.

Additionally, Microsoft has noted that its Xbox Store is busted as well as the movie, television, and music apps. This means no Hulu, no Netflix, and no Twitch. This is particularly a bummer considering the Xbox One Twitch app is one of the best ways to watch livestreams on your television, and today is when Summer Games Done Quick started.

We’ve asked Microsoft for an update, and we’ll update this post with any new information from the company. But the company has updated its Xbox Live status website to confirm the errors.

“Are you running into issues creating or joining multiplayer matches,” asks the status page. “Additionally, are you having trouble joining parties or sending party invites? We’re aware of the issue and hard at work to find a fix.”

These kinds of problems don’t always affect everyone equally, and if you’re online with your Xbox Live account right now, avoid getting offline. Most of the issues seem to hit people trying to boot up their system for the first time today.

This is just the most recent of a number of outages for Xbox Live. The service has gone down a number of times this year — although it isn’t alone. Sony’s PlayStation Network has definitely had a ton of problems of its own. Microsoft’s online system has gone down at least twice this month while PSN has had more than four major outages in July.