Shinra Technologies announced that it has released tools that will enable indie game developers to build massive game simulations with its cloud-based game-streaming service.

New York-based Shinra has released both English and Japanese language versions of its Community Cloud Development Kit (CCDK). The tools give indies a way to harness the power of remote rendering on the Shinra cloud for testing and presentation purposes. While Shinra itself is not making games, it is creating the underlying technology to make massive simulations with thousands of game characters and huge virtual worlds.

Shinra has made the CCDK available today on GitHub, where it can be downloaded for free by anyone.

Shinra Technologies’ vision for the CCDK is for every indie developer, in any part of the world, to have a simple and effective means to create a cloud game. The development kit supports all three of Shinra Technologies’ cloud-based architectures: 1-to-1 (single-player games), N:N (virtual MMO), and 1:N (supercomputer multiplayer).

Shinra Technologies’ Indie Business Manager Simon Ferrari said in a statement that the CCDK is an “all-in-one introduction” to Shinra’s distribution process.