Here comes a new challenger.

Nintendo revealed a new downloadable character for its crossover fighting games, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, today during its Nintendo Direct streaming event. It’s Cloud Strife, the hero from Final Fantasy VII.

This is a surprising pick. Cloud is a popular character, but he’s not exactly associated with Nintendo. In fact, Final Fantasy VII was the first game in the series to not come out for a Nintendo platform. Cloud uses his giant Buster Sword in Smash’s combat, and it can also shoot out a projectile energy wave. Cloud can also use Limit Breaks, just like in FFVII, that power him up.

Cloud also comes with a stage based on the city of Midgar from the game, and the god-like Summons from Final Fantasy VII also interact with the new level. You can see Cloud in action below.

Mewtwo, Roy, Lucas, and Ryu have already joined Smash Bros.’s roster as DLC. This has given Nintendo a new way to keep a game relevant after release, since new characters give players a reason to keep playing.