The Fallout series wasn’t always a first-person Bethesda adventure, and now you can get an idea of what the new game might’ve looked like with its original camera perspective.

Fallout 4 fan Yttriumtyclief on Reddit posted some new screenshots of the game taken from a high isometric angle. This makes it look a lot more like the original Fallout and Fallout 2 from developer Black Isle. Those classics featured two-dimensional graphics presented from a bird’s-eye view. Yttriumtyclief messed around with the camera to re-create that look, and it proves that Fallout 4 isn’t all that different. It also shows some of the game’s amazing art design.

Check it out:

Fallout 4 isometric

The most impressive thing about all of this is that it looks like Fallout 4 could totally work as an isometric game. I remember mods that did this with Fallout 3, but those didn’t look or feel right. But this new take has so much detail and visual fidelity that this perspective isn’t just easy on the eyes — you could potentially have a better experience playing like this.

Yttriumtyclief made these images by moving the camera around using console commands, but it’s possible that a mod could enable you to go through the whole game like this. We’d probably have to wait until Bethesda releases the mod tools early next year at the earliest, but I want to give this a shot.

Here’s a Fallout 2 speedrun if you want a quick reminder of what those older games looked like: