Microsoft is coming in February with four games for you Gold subscribers.

Every month, Microsoft now gives away games to members of its premium Xbox Live Gold service (just as Sony does with its PlayStation Plus). This go around, we’re getting a classic 360 shooter and some smaller games for both the 360 and Xbox One.

The Games With Gold lineup for February.

Above: The Games With Gold lineup for February.

Image Credit: Microsoft

Here’s the full roster:

Xbox One

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  • Hand of Fate — an action role-playing game with deck-building and roguelike elements.
  • Styx: Master of Shadows — a stealth adventure with RPG mechanics.

Xbox 360 (backward compatible on Xbox One)

  • Gears of War 2 — one of the best cover-based shooters for the Xbox 360.
  • Sacred: Citadel — a cooperative beat-’em-up game.

You can grab Hand of Fate and Sacred Citadel starting February 1. Styx and Gears are free for Gold members starting February 16.

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