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Your customers are never more than three feet from their mobile devices. And that’s a power you can leverage. Unfortunately, most of your customers know that too.
How do you stay ahead of the game? Recently John Koetsier, mobile economist at Tune and Jason Allen, VP of digital at Gamestop, got together for a CMO Roundtable to discuss Tune’s recent comprehensive study on mobile marketing lessons from 2015, and then got into the nitty gritty of how to take things to the next level in 2016.
The lessons of 2015
Tune looked at 400,000 GBs of mobile marketing data, hundreds of billions of ad impressions, over 100B clicks/taps, billions of mobile installs, and best-of-the industry data from Ericsson and other luminaries.
The major insight? The extraordinary extent of global smartphone penetration. 3.4 billion people now have smartphones, or over 47 precent of the global population. We’re set to reach a global majority in 2016, when 600 million smartphone users join ranks. And by 2020, 80 percent of the planet will have a smartphones by their side by 2020.
All over the world, mobile is becoming the primary method of doing everything. Smartphones are coming to the close of the growth phase we thought would never end, and moving into the maturity phase as commerce grows increasingly digital, and digital becomes increasingly mobile.
“Mobile,” Koetsier says, “is where companies that are trying to grow are focusing.”
The challenge for brand marketers is to optimize mobile marketing, and focus on building strengthening relationships with their customers.
Actionable insights for 2016
1. Mobile app vs. mobile web
Which should you focus on? “The median number of apps downloaded by American adults who own a smartphone is 0,” Koetsier says. “They pretty much have the apps that they want, and they’re adding apps that they need, or adding apps that make their life better.”
That’s why you need both. You need a mobile web interface because that’s top of the funnel. It’s your customer’s first experience, the way they can interact with you with no strings attached. When you offer an experience that makes their life easier, faster, more enjoyable, that’s when they download your app.
2. Mobile marketing automation
“To get customers, you‘ve got to do engagement better,” Koetsier says. “In the mobile world, you do that with MMA (mobile marketing automation) or in-app marketing.”
When they implemented MMA, 86 percent of developers reported increased engagement, higher revenue, improved conversions, better user insights, and higher retention.
3. Organic vs. paid
In the study, which looked at data from a billion apps installed globally, they found that organic is about 91 percent of all installs.
Too often developers go chasing after quality paid installs that are usually two to five dollars per install — and often can go up to a whopping 50 bucks per. Optimizing organic installs is the most cost-effective way to improve the quality of your user base, improve loyalty, boost word-of-mouth interest, and keep your costs down significantly.
4. Mobile is where the money is moving
Bricks and mortar sales were down $1B in the 2015 holiday season. In contrast, Cyber Monday saw almost 9x the ecommerce ads than previous, and extraordinary click-through rates.
The implication for your business? Look at what percentage of your revenue, marketing, and product or service is mobile. If that’s not growing — why not? More clearly than anything, that’s a clear early sign that there’s something wrong with your mobile strategy, and it’s time to troubleshoot.
5. Multi-touch attribution
Most ad-driven app installs are influenced by many ads and multiple clicks — often as many as five or seven. That’s not just due to ad inventory sharing; it’s also mobile user psychology that might take several views before they click.
It’s essential to understand your customer’s journey — where they’re coming from, what they’ve seen, and where to find that sweet spot: the highest number of installs at the lowest cost. The only way to get there is to continually optimize your conversion rates, with a sharp focus on customer behavior.
For more significant insights from the TUNE report, actionable advice, and to find out how GameStop has realized double-digit growth every year for the past five years in their multichannel business, check out our free streaming webinar now.
Don’t miss out!
Access the webinar for free right here.
In this webinar, you’ll:
- Get five key tips to move the needle in your existing digital strategy
- Learn what Gamestop and Playboy are doing to keep ahead of the competition
- Discover new ways to engage with mobile customers (and some of them are surprisingly simple).
Robin Zucker, SVP Marketing, Digital Media, Playboy
Jason Allen, VP of Digital, Gamestop
John Koetsier, Mobile Economist, Tune
Wendy Schuchart, Analyst, VentureBeat
This webinar is sponsored by Tune.