France fines Google over ‘right to be forgotten’ privacy violations

Apple’s OS X is 15 years old today

Huawei Y5 II features significant upgrades over its predecessor

Xbox Live’s Games With Gold for April impresses with Sunset Overdrive, Dead Space

U.S. officials hopeful they can unlock encrypted iPhone

Cloudera acquires data science collaboration tool Sense

Bethesda teams YouTube stars with sports athletes in Day of Doom tournament

Street Fighter V’s March update finally launches next week — and without a real-money store

EA promotes Laura Miele to head of global publishing as Peter Moore moves to esports role

Facebook introduces daily video metrics for publishers

Israeli marketing startup CiValue raises $2.4 million backed by Deutsche Telekom

LifeBeam scores $16 million to help you track your workout

How Amazon’s Alexa is bringing intelligent assistance into the mainstream

Pokémon Go trains you on how you’ll catch, evolve, and hatch ’em

The Mustards dish on Shadow Complex Remastered and working with J.J. Abrams on Spyjinx

Foursquare’s Swarm now lets you make sense of where you’ve been
New CardLinx Data Shows Rapid Growth in Card-Linked Offers and Loyalty

Google beefs up Gmail security with Safe Browsing warnings and tips for avoiding state-sponsored attacks

Skype will launch its universal Windows app preview in the coming weeks

Digital gaming rakes in $6.2B in February thanks to PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Candy Crush Saga dev Tommy Palm launches Bait! fishing app to lure gamers to the Samsung Gear VR

DoorDash takes on Yelp, offers an ‘objective’ restaurant quality score

VB Webinar
Email personalization: How to stay out of the spam folder, lower unsubscribes, and increase revenue (webinar)

EarthBound, Donkey Kong Country, and Super Mario Kart are on 3DS today

This Game Studio is Nexon’s latest stab at breaking into the West’s mobile game market

Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a, touch play to see first footage of the Rocky Horror game

As Starboard launches Yahoo proxy fight, Marissa Mayer faces the battle of her life. Again.

Angry Birds maker Rovio bringing its ToonsTV cartoon app to Apple TV

Amazon says it doesn’t have a gender pay gap

Paris-based Bitit launches to let you buy Bitcoins from 100,000 physical stores around the world

Sony launches new business to build PlayStation games for smartphones
Ebates Acquires Shopular

Mesosphere raises $73.5 million with Microsoft participating, launches Velocity tool

VB Insight
Mobile marketers are as obsessed with emojis as we are
Eagle Eye Networks Announces Security Industry’s First “First Responder Real-Time Video Access”

Apple’s iPhone SE and smaller iPad Pro are now available to preorder online

World’s biggest startup? Samsung to reform corporate culture

Bijou Commerce secures $2.8 million to build SaaS platform for retail industry