3 powerful use cases in VR’s thrilling new frontier

Chinese Internet giant Baidu unveils Silicon Valley arm dedicated to self-driving cars

Intelligent assistants are catalysts for digital commerce

1 million people now access Facebook via Tor each month

Uber drivers remain independent contractors as class action lawsuit settled

What Prince could have learned from Bowie about the value of music streaming

Apple’s iTunes Movies, iBooks Store reportedly shut down in China

Ark: Survival of the Fittest brings dinosaur-based esports to PlayStation 4

Bitcasa killing Drive cloud storage service on May 20, will focus on ‘growing platform business’

VB Webinar
Netflix shares how it grew to 81 million monthly subscribers: Secrets of a subscription model (webinar)

Call of Duty: Heroes hits 30M downloads (update)

Natural language processing startup Idibon nears shutdown

Medium raises $50 million while it can, adds Ben Horowitz and Judy Estrin to board

Xbox One is selling better, but lower price drags down Microsoft’s revenues

Fallout Shelter update streamlines how you manage your postapocalyptic dwelling

Google parent Alphabet slips 6% on low $20.26B revenue, $7.50 EPS

Microsoft reports $22.1 billion in Q3 2016 revenue, cloud business passes $10 billion annual run rate

TBS reveals 24 teams for its Counter-Strike: Global Offensive league

Secretive audio startup Human raises $5 million

Crossy Road gets party-mode multiplayer on Android

Facebook tweaks its News Feed to factor in time spent on articles

Hearthstone wants to give players free Whispers of the Old Gods card packs

Handy Games CEO Chris Kassulke on crunch, VR, and mobile gaming

BitTorrent replaces Eric Klinker with co-CEOs Jeremy Johnson and Robert Delamar

Pinterest acqui-hires founder of design app Curator

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst’s release date parkours from May 24 to June 7

Evernote releases redesigned Windows app with better search, trash section

Video games will become a $99.6B industry this year as mobile overtakes consoles and PCs

The Elder Scrolls: Legends starts its closed beta and sure looks like Hearthstone

VB Webinar
The Omnichannel Challenge: Stop siloing your customers (webinar)

LinkedIn makes all Lynda.com courses available on Apple TV

India’s Nazara Games invests in U.K. mobile studio Mastermind Sports

Zengaming gets $2.8M in funding to expand its social network for the esports business

Product Hunt’s new app shows you what’s trending right on the desktop

HotelTonight launches Aces in-app human concierge service

Amazon now sells its own-brand product protection insurance

PayPal, others plunge $30 million into mobile investing app Acorns

HTC and Dassault Systèmes unveil plan to bring virtual reality to the enterprise