Many U.S. technology stocks got hit today following the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote to leave the European Union — while many financial services companies, foreign stock indexes, commodities, and the British pound getting whopped, as well.

Here’s a roundup of tech stocks’ percentage drops:

  • Adobe: -4.17%
  • Alphabet: -3.80%
  • Amazon: -3.10%
  • AMD: -6.33%
  • Apple: -2.72%
  • Box: -1.48%
  • Cisco: -5.03%
  • eBay: -6.92%
  • EMC: -2.05%
  • Expedia: -7.41%
  • Facebook: -2.61%
  • Hortonworks: -7.34%
  • HP: -5.37%
  • HPE: -7.68%
  • IBM: -5.60%
  • Intel: -4.36%
  • Lending Club: -6.33%
  • Microsoft: -4.08%
  • New Relic: -3.46%
  • Netflix: -3.48%
  • NetSuite: -8.45%
  • Oracle: -3.94%
  • PayPal: -4.31%
  • Priceline: -11.37%
  • Qualcomm: -6.17%
  • Salesforce: -4.62%
  • TripAdvisor: -6.23%
  • Twilio: -8.61% (and after yesterday’s big IPO, at that)
  • Twitter: -3.58%
  • VMware: -5.81%
  • Workday: -7.88%
  • Yahoo: -4.08%
  • Zendesk: -6.85%

Bloomberg reported that NASDAQ today had its biggest one-day loss since 2011.

So, what to buy? Gold is probably worth a look.

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